{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (5818 matches)
A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.
Results (3001 - 3100 of 5818)
Version 1.0 (27 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#5662 | Plumbing Specialists In Tx Plano region | Other | new | 0.9.2 | task | minor | eskil | 10/03/15 | |
#5672 | X2 Samui Resort | Profile Display | new | 0.9.2 | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/03/15 | |
#5678 | Does The Salt totally Free Water Softener truly function? | Email Export | new | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/04/15 | |
#5699 | How To maintain Plumbing Unclogged | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.8 | task | minor | eskil | 10/05/15 | |
#5703 | The Haven Given By Your Koh Samui Villas | Bookmarks | new | 0.9.6 | task | minor | eskil | 10/05/15 | |
#5710 | Painless Programs For women's clothing amazon - A Closer Look | Gas Consumption | new | 0.9.4 | task | minor | eskil | 10/06/15 | |
#5718 | Samui Holiday Homes | Gas Consumption | new | | task | minor | eskil | 10/06/15 | |
#5743 | How Water Softener Resin functions | Profile Display | new | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/07/15 | |
#5745 | Add A New Look To Your Home | Plan Overview | new | 0.9.2 | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/07/15 | |
#5746 | Benefits Of A Home Water Softener | Profile Display | new | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/07/15 | |
#5758 | Most Readily Useful Koh Samui Villas | Bookmarks | new | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/07/15 | |
#5762 | Fair Home Villas & Salon In Koh Samui | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.2 | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/07/15 | |
#5769 | xxx porno muvis free - Why You Need A Free Videos Sex Tapes | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.6 | task | minor | eskil | 10/07/15 | |
#5774 | Real-World Solutions For better eye vision | Plan Overview | new | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/07/15 | |
#5787 | _Meet Mirena' Featurette & Early Evaluations | Other | new | 0.9.8 | task | minor | eskil | 10/08/15 | |
#5795 | teen cunt pics - Kids, Work and Hot Naked Teen Girl | Level Editor | new | 0.9.5 | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/08/15 | |
#5797 | Cleaning suggestions For Residential Water Softeners | ZHL16 | new | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/08/15 | |
#5802 | Hansar Lodges & Resorts | Unknown/Unsure | new | | task | minor | eskil | 10/09/15 | |
#5806 | Koh Samui Villas | CNS | new | 0.9.3 | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/09/15 | |
#5814 | The True Luxury Travel Expert | Plan Settings | new | 0.9.4 | task | minor | eskil | 10/09/15 | |
#5816 | Don't Put Your Boxes By The control | Unknown/Unsure | new | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/09/15 | |
#5817 | Genuine Resorts & Hotels | Bailout Profile Display | new | 0.9.826 | enhancement | minor | eskil | 10/09/15 | |
#54 | As per REEFs 24 - allow lost gas / deco gas on any gas | DecoGas Editor | closed | fixed | | enhancement | minor | eskil | 01/24/12 |
#12 | Add more configurable fields. | Other | closed | invalid | 0.9 | enhancement | major | eskil | 11/10/09 |
#8 | Configurable OC/CCR gas switch time. | Other | closed | duplicate | 0.9 | enhancement | major | eskil | 02/26/09 |
#4 | Configurable base altitude | Ascent/Altitude | closed | duplicate | 0.9 | enhancement | major | eskil | 02/26/09 |
#1 | metric | Unknown/Unsure | closed | invalid | 0.9 | defect | major | eskil | 02/12/09 |
Version 0.9.2 (6 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#9 | Zhl16b does not handle multilevel oc/ccr changing right. | ZHL16 | closed | fixed | 0.9 | defect | blocker | eskil | 02/26/09 |
#3 | Bailout profiles for CCR | Profile Display | closed | fixed | 0.9 | task | critical | eskil | 02/26/09 |
#6 | O2 consumption in CCR mode | Gas Consumption | closed | fixed | 0.9 | defect | critical | eskil | 02/26/09 |
#7 | Switching to/from msw/fsw with a dive planned leaves the last stop and step wrong. | Plan Settings | closed | fixed | 0.9 | defect | critical | eskil | 02/26/09 |
#2 | Decay CNS/OTU for repetitive dives. | CNS | closed | fixed | 0.9 | enhancement | major | eskil | 02/26/09 |
#10 | UI shows wrong conservatism for VPM/B | Plan Settings | closed | fixed | 0.9 | defect | major | eskil | 02/26/09 |
Speedup (3 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#14 | deleting the last dive crashed the app | Plan Overview | closed | fixed | 0.9.2 | defect | major | eskil | 03/26/09 |
#11 | Background and speed up dynamic recalculation. | Other | closed | fixed | 0.9 | enhancement | major | eskil | 03/26/09 |
#13 | Emailed plan has wrong OC RMV and CCR MOR values. | Email Export | closed | fixed | 0.9.2 | defect | minor | eskil | 03/26/09 |
0.9.7 (12 matches)
0.9.6 (3 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#18 | Multilevel 200'/150' CCR plan gets "cannot decompress" on bailout at second level. | VPM/B | closed | fixed | 0.9.5 | defect | major | eskil | 12/04/09 |
#20 | ZHL16 switches to deco gases between levels | ZHL16 | closed | fixed | 0.9.5 | defect | critical | eskil | 12/04/09 |
#19 | VPM/B switches to deco gases between levels if deco is needed between levels | Unknown/Unsure | closed | fixed | 0.9.5 | defect | major | eskil | 12/04/09 |
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#65 | Surface interval reverts to 1:30 | Plan Settings | assigned | 0.9.827 | defect | critical | eskil | 03/28/13 | |
#30 | Showing bar/psi for calculation | Unknown/Unsure | accepted | 0.9.6 | enhancement | major | eskil | 08/16/10 | |
#31 | Adding minimum gas Calculations | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.6 | enhancement | major | eskil | 08/16/10 | |
#39 | Ipad version | Unknown/Unsure | new | | enhancement | major | eskil | 04/05/11 | |
#42 | Remove deep stops? | Unknown/Unsure | new | | enhancement | major | eskil | 06/06/11 | |
#59 | Lost gas profile not shown on "tilt phone 90º CCW" | Profile Display | accepted | 0.9.825 | defect | major | eskil | 12/01/12 | |
#62 | Bottom Time | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.825 | defect | major | eskil | 01/18/13 | |
#66 | So take a look at make up | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 11/07/13 | |
#67 | Many individuals, nevertheless could not | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 11/07/13 | |
#68 | Question about compatibility | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 11/09/13 | |
#69 | Question about compatibility | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 11/21/13 | |
#70 | consistent all round grand plan of arrangement | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 12/12/13 | |
#71 | 7 Minute Muscle Review | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/15/14 | |
#72 | Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Review | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/15/14 | |
#73 | Understanding How Do Moisturizers Affect The Skin | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#74 | Skin Care Advice That's Easy To Follow | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#75 | Searching For The Best Cellulite Treatment | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#76 | Anti Aging Skin Care: 3 Easy Tips | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#77 | Laser Surgery For Stretch Marks Treatment Options | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#78 | Are You All Set To Make A New Year | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#79 | The History Of Skydiving | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#80 | Skin Tone Plays A Vital And Significantly Role In Human’s Life | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#81 | How To Protect And Improve Your Sensitive Skin! | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#82 | Look For These Ingredients In Any Skin Care Product | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#83 | What Can You Do To Avoid Skin Cancer | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#84 | Warning: Reading This Article Can Improve Your Health | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#85 | Skin Care Essentials To Weather The Years | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/16/14 | |
#86 | weight lose+health5 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#87 | weight lose+health509+9+7778 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#88 | weight lose+health50666+644 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#89 | weight lose+health552585 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#90 | weight lose+health509+9+77786666 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#91 | weight lose+health00000 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#92 | weight lose+health509+9+777853555 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#93 | weight lose+health300000 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#94 | weight lose+health50666+6454568457 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#95 | weight lose+health50666+6+++++ | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#96 | weight lose+health50666+6+++++5858 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#97 | weight lose+health50666+6888 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#98 | weight lose+health50666+678/ | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#99 | weight lose+health50666+677777 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#100 | weight lose+health50666+6+++++5555 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#101 | weight lose+health50666+64545685555 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#102 | weight lose+health50666+6+++++747 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#103 | weight lose+health50666+64545682222 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#104 | weight lose+health50666+6454568+6+96+955558/8 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#105 | weight lose+health50666+6+++++333333 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#106 | weight lose+health50666+6+++++58888 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 | |
#107 | weight lose+health50666+6967477 | Unknown/Unsure | new | 0.9.827 | defect | major | eskil | 09/17/14 |
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