Ticket #106 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

weight lose+health50666+6+++++58888

Reported by: alexzanderwayne Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


By putting together a straight forward no nonsense muscle building plan into action you can quickly start getting results. When I was just getting started I had the same questions that so many other beginners have who struggle to gain muscle. Unfortunately I also made the same common mistakes that most people make who are new to weight lifting. If you can avoid these very common yet critical mistakes of building muscle mass you can quickly turn things around and really start seeing some results.

Overtraining Will Get You Nowhere
If you look at any of the workouts in the fitness magazines the first thing you notice is that their answer to gaining muscle is to spend lots of time in the gym doing 8-12 sets per body part and training six days a week. For the so called advanced lifter, training twice a day, or split routines, are recommended to seriously put on muscle. These publications advise their readers that the only way to have large muscle gains is to train more. This type of advice is counter-productive and results in overtraining and gets so many people headed down the wrong path of trying to reach their goal of gaining muscle

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