{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (5818 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5801 - 5818 of 5818)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#44 Reuse last dive plan settings Dive Settings Editor closed fixed enhancement minor eskil 06/13/11
#43 When first installed, default to local measurement systems. Unknown/Unsure closed fixed enhancement minor eskil 06/13/11
#41 O2 contents of .5% not stored correctly. Unknown/Unsure closed fixed defect major eskil 06/13/11
#40 Lite version crashes when changing from imperial to metric Unknown/Unsure closed fixed defect critical eskil 06/13/11
#36 RunTimes in vertical display are off for levels. Unknown/Unsure closed fixed defect major eskil 06/13/11
#37 What are the gas consumption assumptions and can they be changed? Unknown/Unsure closed invalid enhancement major eskil 01/19/11
#35 Unable to change last stop depth Unknown/Unsure closed worksforme defect major eskil 10/26/10
#33 App crashes on exporting a bad dive plan. Email Export closed fixed defect major eskil 10/26/10
#34 iOS 4 backgrounding and saving current plan is off Other closed fixed defect minor eskil 10/26/10
#32 level next = level end error VPM/B closed fixed 0.9.7 defect major eskil 09/08/10
#28 Open ciricuit Unknown/Unsure closed invalid 0.9.6 defect major eskil 05/18/10
#23 Only imperial? Unknown/Unsure closed invalid 0.9.6 enhancement major eskil 02/24/10
#22 Maximum depth 150 meters? Unknown/Unsure closed fixed 0.9.6 defect major eskil 01/04/10
#21 Metres & Bar Unknown/Unsure closed invalid 0.9.5 defect major eskil 11/24/09
#15 Run time Profile Display closed fixed 0.9.2 defect major eskil 11/10/09
#17 App dir not work Unknown/Unsure closed worksforme 0.9.4 defect major eskil 11/10/09
#5 Ability to export plans Unknown/Unsure closed invalid 0.9 task minor eskil 11/10/09
#16 unable to load program on iphone Unknown/Unsure closed fixed 0.9.4 defect major eskil 08/02/09
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.