Ticket #3309 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

These are composed of the largest muscle group in the whole body.

Reported by: mithaljonson Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


It is very essential to have strong leg muscles because you spend most of your time standing on them. Even if you do not have to run a marathon, you should be having strong leg muscles; you will need them in every phase of life. Let us have a look at few methods to build the leg muscles.To start building leg muscles, you just do not have to start with heavy exercises. A slow approach works the best. Walking briskly for nearly half an hour everyday prepares your leg muscles for a workout later. Walk briskly with a quick, but steady pace. Try to do more of walking in everyday life. Inculcate the habit of walking in your daily routine.Indulge yourself in a sport that requires running, say football. You need to run constantly in football matches, resulting in building of leg muscles. On an average, every player runs from 6 to 13 miles in a single football game. This proves to be a great workout for legs.Go for cycling for an hour per day. Vigorous cycling on a regular basis builds quads, hamstrings, and calves. Stationary bicycle is less effective as it makes you feel the burn in the legs. In addition to building legs, cycling also strengthens butt muscles.While the extensions prove to be good for the quads, the curls build up your calves.Standing calf raises proves to be highly beneficial in strengthening the calf muscles.  Formula 41 Extreme Plus, these can be done anywhere. What you need to do is to stand on a higher platform with just balls of the feet and tiptoes touching the bottom, with rest of the feet hanging off. You can take support of a wall to balance yourself. Move the balls of your feet down and up in a steady motion.Go for cycling for an hour per day.Exercising helps greatly. Fibromyalgia patients are suggested to do stretching exercises and consume nearly 10 glasses of water per day.  http://www.strongmenmuscle.com/formula-41-extreme/

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