Ticket #218 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

muscles power5444442333

Reported by: henrymiles Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


Let's cover momentum first. This is the common denominator in almost all of the cheating methods that people do. It's where a person is using a swinging motion to get the weight up. Most people do this by first swinging their arm back and then as the weight starts to pull their arm forward they also push up with their legs. And then as the weight is raised to about chin level they tuck their elbow underneath, thus completing the curl. Going through this set of movements involves very little participation on the part of your biceps. What's really at work here is the shoulder (to rotate and swing the weight up) and the quads to pop the elbow forward.
As for reducing the range of motion, a lot of people use a lot of weight and go into a position where their arms are already slightly bent in front of them. And then they use their back to rock their upper body back and forth while doing very little with their arms. This creates the illusion that they are actually moving the weight up and down. The only muscles being used here are those in the lower back, not the biceps. Keep in mind that if your elbows are not moving your biceps are not working.'

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