Version 1 (modified by trac, 16 years ago) |
Table of Contents
Trac is distributed with a powerful command-line configuration tool. This tool can be used to configure and customize your Trac-installation to better fit your needs.
Some of those operations can also be performed via the Admin web interface, an updated version of the WebAdmin plugin now integrated within Trac (since version 0.11).
You can get a comprehensive list of the available options, commands and sub-commands by invoking trac-admin with the help command:.
trac-admin help
Unless you're executing the help, about or version sub-commands, you'll need to specify the path to the TracEnvironment that you want to administer as the first argument, for example:
trac-admin /path/to/projenv wiki list
Interactive Mode
When passing the environment path as the only argument, trac-admin starts in interactive mode. Commands can then be executed on the selected environment using the prompt, which offers tab-completion (on non-Windows environments, and when the Python readline module is available) and automatic repetition of the last command issued.
Once you're in interactive mode, you can also get help on specific commands or subsets of commands:
For example, to get an explanation of the resync command, run:
> help resync
To get help on all the Wiki-related commands, run:
> help wiki
Full Command Reference
help -- Show documentation initenv -- Create and initialize a new environment interactively initenv <projectname> <db> <repostype> <repospath> -- Create and initialize a new environment from arguments hotcopy <backupdir> -- Make a hot backup copy of an environment resync -- Re-synchronize trac with the repository resync <rev> -- Re-synchronize only the given <rev> upgrade -- Upgrade database to current version deploy <directory> -- Extract static resources from Trac and all plugins. permission list [user] -- List permission rules permission add <user> <action> [action] [...] -- Add a new permission rule permission remove <user> <action> [action] [...] -- Remove permission rule wiki list -- List wiki pages wiki remove <page> -- Remove wiki page wiki export <page> [file] -- Export wiki page to file or stdout wiki import <page> [file] -- Import wiki page from file or stdin wiki dump <directory> -- Export all wiki pages to files named by title wiki load <directory> -- Import all wiki pages from directory wiki upgrade -- Upgrade default wiki pages to current version ticket remove <number> -- Remove ticket ticket_type list -- Show possible ticket types ticket_type add <value> -- Add a ticket type ticket_type change <value> <newvalue> -- Change a ticket type ticket_type remove <value> -- Remove a ticket type ticket_type order <value> up|down -- Move a ticket type up or down in the list priority list -- Show possible ticket priorities priority add <value> -- Add a priority value option priority change <value> <newvalue> -- Change a priority value priority remove <value> -- Remove priority value priority order <value> up|down -- Move a priority value up or down in the list severity list -- Show possible ticket severities severity add <value> -- Add a severity value option severity change <value> <newvalue> -- Change a severity value severity remove <value> -- Remove severity value severity order <value> up|down -- Move a severity value up or down in the list component list -- Show available components component add <name> <owner> -- Add a new component component rename <name> <newname> -- Rename a component component remove <name> -- Remove/uninstall component component chown <name> <owner> -- Change component ownership version list -- Show versions version add <name> [time] -- Add version version rename <name> <newname> -- Rename version version time <name> <time> -- Set version date (Format: "YYYY-MM-DD", "now" or "") version remove <name> -- Remove version milestone list -- Show milestones milestone add <name> [due] -- Add milestone milestone rename <name> <newname> -- Rename milestone milestone due <name> <due> -- Set milestone due date (Format: "YYYY-MM-DD", "now" or "") milestone completed <name> <completed> -- Set milestone completed date (Format: "YYYY-MM-DD", "now" or "") milestone remove <name> -- Remove milestone resolution list -- Show possible ticket resolutions resolution add <value> -- Add a resolution value option resolution change <value> <newvalue> -- Change a resolution value resolution remove <value> -- Remove resolution value resolution order <value> up|down -- Move a resolution value up or down in the list
The initenv also supports an extra --inherit option, which can be used to specify the [inherit] file option at environment creation time so that only the options not already specified in the global configuration file will be written in the conf/trac.ini file of the newly created environment. See TracIni#GlobalConfiguration.
Note that in version 0.11 of Trac, initenv lost an extra last argument <templatepath>, which was used in previous versions to point to the templates folder. If you are using the one-liner 'trac-admin /path/to/trac/ initenv <projectname> <db> <repostype> <repospath>' in the above and getting an error that reads 'Wrong number of arguments to initenv: 4', then this is because you're using a trac-admin script from an older version of Trac.
See also: TracGuide, TracBackup, TracPermissions, TracEnvironment, TracIni, TracMigrate