Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of BalticFaq

04/11/09 03:26:27 (16 years ago)



  • BalticFaq

    v14 v15  
    99=== I'd like to report a problem, how and where ? === 
    11 You're welcome to [/newticket file a ticket] (you can now do this with registering first), post in the [forum:2 Q&A forum] (registered users) or via [mailto:eskil-at-eskil-dot-org email]. If the report is related to a generated dive plan, please be sure to include the plan parameters and if possible, the plan itself. You can use the apps email feature to email the plan to yourself. 
     11You're welcome to [/newticket file a ticket] (you can now do this without registering first), post in the [forum:2 Q&A forum] (requires registration) or via [mailto:eskil-at-eskil-dot-org email]. If the report is related to a generated dive plan, please be sure to include the plan parameters and if possible, the plan itself. You can use the apps email feature to email the plan to yourself. 
    1313=== I'd like to suggest a feature/enhancement, how and where ? === 
    2323=== Plan a CCR bailout ? === 
    25 Make a plan, and add some bailout gases and make sure to mark them as BAIL. Both gases marked as BAIL and OC are used for bailout (OC ones are also used for doing OC deco).  
     25Make a plan, and add some bailout gases and make sure to mark them as BAIL. Both gases marked as BAIL and OC are used for bailout (OC ones are also used for doing OC deco). Once you have any levels with a CCR setpoint, deco gases can be marked as BAIL, and this means that this gas is only to be used when doing bailout calculation. 
    27 Now tap any level/decostop, and a action sheep will pop-up offering to show a bailout from this spot. 
     27Now tap any level/decostop, and a action sheet will pop-up offering to show a bailout from this spot. 
    2929=== CCR Bailout and repetitive dives, how do I ... ? === 
    31 If you've done a CCR bailout and you want to know what happens to the rest of the dives (assuming you're not calling it quits for the day), you'll have to change the plan in which you bailed. Since Baltic supports bailout planning for both levels and stops, it's fairly simple to capture this for repetitive dives. 
     31If you've done a CCR bailout and you want to know what happens to the rest of the dives (assuming you're not calling it quits for the day), you'll have to change the plan, in which you bailed, or the repetitive dives will be calculated wrong. Since Baltic supports bailout planning for both levels and stops, it's fairly simple to capture this for repetitive dives by modifying levels and gases. 
    33 Say that you bailed at the 70fsw/21msw stop, go to your plan and change your bailout gasses from BAIL to OC and set the start depth accordingly. The plan will now reflect the bailout, and subsequent dives in the workset will take this into account. 
     33Say that you bailed at the 70fsw/21msw stop, go to your plan and change your bailout gasses (that would cover the 70fsw/21msw stop) from BAIL to OC and set the start depth accordingly if necessary. The plan will now reflect the bailout, and subsequent dives in the workset will take this into account. 
    3535== Algorithms == 
    4545   * He: 1.88, 3.02, 4.72, 6.99, 10.21, 14.48, 20.53, 29.11, 41.20, 55.19, 70.69, 90.34, 115.29, 147.42, 188.24, 240.03 
    47 For ZHL16, the a and b coeffecients are the B table values. Prior to 0.9, the 1b N,,2,, halftime of 5 minutes was used. 
     47For ZHL16, the a and b coeffecients are the B table values. Prior to the public 0.9 release, the 1b N,,2,, halftime of 5 minutes was used. 
    4949=== Where did the algorithm implementations come from ? === 
    51 Both were implemented for another project in 2007 and 2008 respectively. The ZHL16 implementation is based on available litterature, such as Dr. Bühlmann's ''Tauchmedizin'', and Dr. Wienke's ''Technical Diving in Depth''. 
     51Both were implemented for another project in 2007 and 2008 respectively. The ZHL16 implementation is based on available litterature, such as Dr. Bühlmann's ''Tauchmedizin'', Dr. Wienke's ''Technical Diving in Depth'' and Erik C. Bakers many papers on decompression calculations. 
    53 The VPM/B implementation is a reimplementation of Erik C. Baker's reference fortran implementation. 
     53The VPM/B implementation is a reimplementation (no, not a f2c generated conversion) of Erik C. Baker's reference fortran implementation. 