


08:26 Ticket #28 (Open ciricuit) closed by eskil
invalid: Hi, You would probably be better off with an app like iScubaPlan, which …


20:28 Ticket #28 (Open ciricuit) created by mt_clemens@…
I was wondering if there is a simple way to calculate no deco open circuit …


11:35 Ticket #26 (Offgassing depth rounded to lower 3m depth interval) created by stephan.schlumbohm@…
Currently the offgassing depth is displayed in 1 meter intervals. It would …
11:26 Ticket #25 (User adjustable deco stop times - down to 30s intervalls) created by stephan.schlumbohm@…
A good enhancement would be to make the deco stop time intervalls user …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.