Ticket #64 (assigned enhancement)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

Lost gas on multiple gasses - crystal ball is missing.

Reported by: captain starfish Owned by: eskil
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: VPM/B Version: 0.9.825
Severity: Nice To Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


Say we're diving 21% with 40% and 80% stages.

I want to do the main plan, switching at (say) 27m to 40% and 9m to 80%.

Run the plan, all good.

Now hit lost 40% - we get some longer stops on 21% before switching to 80% at 9m.

Now lose the 80% as well - fine, it blows out the 9/6/3m stops too. This is expected.


In the lost 40 + lost 80 scenario, I have longer stops on 15 and 12m too. This is an issue because I'll follow the main plan until a switch goes wrong at 27m, change to the no40 plan and assume 80 is ok until I get to 9, hey, I'm not going back to 15m if it turns out my 80 is kaput too.

Bit of a PITA I imagine, because it would most likely need multileveling of the n-1 previous lost gasses' profiles until each gasses' switch depth. But, if it's possible, it would save me having to ignore the "lost gas" profile and instead just running them manually.

Change History

Changed 12 years ago by eskil

  • status changed from new to assigned
  • component changed from Other to VPM/B

You're right. This is only with VPM-B, ZHL16 does not have this little detail due to their differences.

I'll have to put some thought into what's the best approach here. The current way gives a solid lost-gas plan if you lost both your stages while at bottom. Your scenario of first losing one gas, then the other seems less likely.

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