Ticket #5819 (new defect)

Opened 9 years ago

apply it at their possess threat and after

Reported by: imogeneklavuhnnovt Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


On other hand the serum which is not even single health care provider option, even unverified from food medicinal drugs authority, how could such product referred to as trustable, however folks who have still consider in BellaVei? I’ll recommend all to apply it at their possess threat and after getting some damaging results never ever blame any individual since after knowing the information it will be suicide to handover your facial skin to such dangerous epidermis treatment. After touring its professional website, one come to know that this skin medication is no1 and having all its ordinary base ingredients as mentioned on its professional internet site but how a lot truth in their statements I’ll elaborate you in view that I did research on its materials in order that I could be aware of either its statements are true or false. So for this intent I seek advice from middle which is really responsible men and women and provides approval to the merchandise after their verification of product effectiveness for which it formulate actually but I’ve told you already that  BellaVei will not be authorized from them so there were some detrimental compounds which its they discovered in it which end up the cause of it. In addition I’m going to share the key parts which I located at official website online as good as their working as its producers claimed, >>>>>>> http://bellaveiphytoceramides.org/

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