Ticket #5760 (new defect)

Opened 9 years ago

The bank offered to record

Reported by: vondamiraclergtm Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


The bank offered to record a question with them for my benefit. I can dare  GC Fit 360 to dream. Never have dealings with this merchant. Primary concern: No, I would not prescribe this to a companion I requested the item as a trial and there was nothing to let me know that I had a sure measure of days to cross out. Along these lines, I didn't consider it until one day I was checking my online financial balance and saw a charge that I didn't think about. So I called the number about the pending charge. A man addressed and at first he was alright to converse with and as I was clarifying my circumstance, he appeared as though he would not even like to hear what I was stating to him. He began getting to a great degree distraught and continued intruding on me. I requesting that he identify with a director or somebody above him and he let me know no. He continued letting meThe bank offered to record a question with them for my benefit. I can dare to dream. Never  http://www.puravolantiaging.net/gc-fit-360/

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