Ticket #5733 (new defect)

Opened 9 years ago

margarine), they don

Reported by: sierraancrumndyq Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


There's no data 's Bella Vei experience in the skincare business. What's more, from what we've seen, the is shiny new. While they specify that the creams contain intense fixings (vitamin C, margarine), they don't say in what amounts; it's difficult to trust that a basic cream can evacuate wrinkles by up to 65%. That is only one of the numerous cases BellaVei? highlights on their site. To wrap things up, we have no clue the amount of this item costs and in the event that it contains other simulated fixings or not.  http://bellaveiphytoceramides.org/

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