Ticket #547 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

Read!! Helpful Review - Aneu skin care

Reported by: Carlieaja101 Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


I'm not going Togo into %uh I think I'm going to just give you all overview I NJ there's a such a called epigenetic here which I mean if you're interested you can go on and read more about it that's what I N Jar about but what this really is what this is work this is saying as that arm the that to all of us have genetic messages Janine that help in our store in ordinal that help us live our cells and tissues live longer cope with these various stresses tissue stresses betterthe code for are copingLaswell James that make us if there if they ‘returned on make us more susceptible to  Aneu Skin Care developing high blood pressure are more susceptible to not managing information are more susceptible to developing a cancer and these genes don't have to be expressed that's really interesting I think that’s something that's not talked about enough we all we all think I'm genetics as a sentence right if it's in my DNA that was going to happen it's not true gent the DNA is like library and my body goes to the DNA and opens up pages are picked out a bookend read that if it's interesting or if it needs it but there's a lot to James that never get turned.


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