Ticket #5372 (new task)

Opened 9 years ago

Capital Notes, Levies And Securities

Reported by: Deborah90P Owned by: eskil
Priority: minor Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Plan Overview Version: 0.9
Severity: Should Have Keywords: private placement capital notes westpac private placement capital notes offer capital notes anz
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


Macquarie Group Capital Notes (MCN) are unsecured, subordinated notes issued by Macquarie Group Limited. They're non-cumulative and mandatorily convertible. The MCN are quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) below the code 'MQGPA'.

There are many reasons why this could happen as a fixed interest investment, while capital notes can then add diversity to your portfolio, they should not be compared with term deposits. There are a number of hazards associated with capital notes, and that's why investors are encouraged to completely understand the conditions and terms set out in the prospectus or seek financial advice. In the unlikely event that ANZ were to go out of business, for example, holders of the capital notes would take front of ANZ's normal shareholders to be repaid but behind bondholders, which gives a concept of where they sit on the chance scale. Let us guide you step by step to help make the proper choice and take advantage of the unique chance.[[iframe  http://www.youtube.com/embed/yynzP4BPmq4 height="336" width="480"]]

By clicking this button, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy We will use your email only to keep you informed about services and other products we think might interest you. Please read our Financial Services Guide (FSG) for more information. For more information in regards to  capital notes 2 anz review the site. The Motley Fool stands behind our products as well as our guarantee. Just notify us, if for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your premium subscription and you will not pay a cent. After your first 30 days, should you change your mind, you will get a pro-rated refund for the remainder of your subscription period. The guide also  relates to similar goods for example perpetual subordinated notes and hybrid securities.

Prior to applying for ANZ Capital Notes, you need to consider whether ANZ Capital Notes are a suitable investment for you. You can find risks associated with an investment in  ANZ Capital Notes and in ANZ, a lot of which are outside the control of ANZ and its Directors. Vital investment risks are described in detail in Section 2.6 of the Investment Statement.

The Notes will be a part of the on-going regulatory capital management programme for ANZ and for Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZBGL). FMA Warning: This investment is more risky than a bank deposit. These Notes are devices that are complicated and mightn't be suitable for several investors. If any of your Notes are reimbursed, ANZ will pay you'll have no further rights in respect of them and you NZ$1 for each of the Notes.

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