Ticket #4893 (new task)

Opened 10 years ago

Do you need to find the right company to do your countertop installation?

Reported by: Russel44U16 Owned by: eskil
Priority: critical Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Profile Display Version: 0.9.826
Severity: Should Have Keywords: Home & Garden restaurant granite countertop granite surfaces
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


Where do you find the right company to do your tile installation? You want a business that is local and experienced. Understanding local costs and resources can cost less money and time. Most smaller installers rely on word of mouth to build their client base.
We are a local company working in Citrus Heights, Roseville, Granite Bay, Elk Grove, Carmichael, West Sacramento, Placerville, and El  Dorado Hills.
If you are looking to have granite  countertops installed, or add tile to your remodel we might be the company for you. We have all the knowledge of a nationwide company like Daltile with better pricing and experience. We know granite countertops, tile, and who to install effectively and professionally

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