Ticket #478 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago


Reported by: Calistaaja101 Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


I what understands that the hair re: golf writer Wales limited to their upper lips is going to have a curb or the mustache as they nurse of their mother they wear their hair away fucks repair body here especially used to be for thermal regulation but right now everybody here is stupid and providing how to work so this to be something left over in the evolutionary process now scalp hair yes it seems the service result function less seal the body from harmful ultraviolet rays and keep us warm in the winter and where my smokes has been estimated to lose 30 percent your body heat through your scalp why it's important to you where hacked the bid pubic and maxillary hair eggs Runs here are yes that here seems to serve as a function to you %uh signify sexual maturity because again that hair doesn't develop a teller individual sexually mature or this way a female can say yes to spell sexually mature now so I'm here for is a protected function the garden shears or ivory say they got your nose trapped large good particles break it down respiratory system eyelashes keep dust and dirt I rights again that the folks I put together frothier purpose km however by what was to be read from looking at stories eyebrow us  Ageless Eyes if they're crowding we know they’re angry if they are also raise you know they’re surprised so hairdresser work weapon appear our function are you know social recognition social acceptance the slideshows are a cross-section wanton hear what's like now so the thief you need to know about here is a gross down here for ball all hair starts growing here as a goes out is the Paula Cole it emerges from the skin is this a lot sables market we see ok associated with every hair follicle you got these receptors is this so I slide here's a hairy scepter except s what's called a plexus PL EX US is basic lecture mirrors that goal rather there if the hairball see the hairball function with the hair mousse yes there's a single tear Bach to your brain that somebody just touched her hair so very like caresses want to scare are picked up by the apt oh yes I the slider you see this pillow director muscle right here I like most vessels that are taxiing to the BOM this water tests for the connective tissue to be a hair root now with that muscle contracts it causes the hair stand up on air so this is our as the retaining mechanism you get really cold.


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