Ticket #472 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago


Reported by: brynnaja101 Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


I said why won't you do that in response was something to the effect that we don't want the stigma you know what stigma know MS patients don’t get well but was who is really tell me there was no money in it you can make money on teaching people ought to be well so I had my contract coming up five days later and I’d in their 60 years I rode capital letters void and prior to be doing that I asked for job meeting with Hannah hospital Ciolinosome I asked for a median with her to discuss the predicament I wasn’t because I knew could go beyond the head of my Department believe in there  Xtreme Antler we should take needy people into a hospital I could not get an appointment for month-and-a-half months I wrote point on the contract Ian appointment the next day and I said tell me why I should stay they could tell me no reason so I leftist was on my other great decisions we run the program and Santa Rosa hospital as a spar you respond resort our census immediately doubled in its four times whatever was in the hospital because small hospital I guess apart anyway that's all that I got to where I am today I at 65years old take care of myself personally been full-time care for somewhere between 45 and 55 people per session when I can't do that anymore I'm going to give it up and porch I have a son who just became aboard-certified internist last week and there are also a lot about the young doctors who will be moving in and taking a place I'm ten care people by proper care the problem is money the problem is honey make a living doing the right thing %um a living.


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