Ticket #4702 (new enhancement)

Opened 10 years ago

Ukraine looks to global capital and brings the privatization of its energy industry

Reported by: AshleeFurr39 Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Gas Consumption Version: 0.9.3
Severity: Must Have Keywords: Authorities assess the condition of Ukraine Experts weigh in on the condition of Ukraine Authorities assess the state of Ukraine
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


A couple of weeks ago the PM went to the Usa and was included in a range of meetings with American businessmen and officials. Atomic energy, oil and gas, and agrarian sector issues were on the schedule. The enactment of a contract for nuclear fuel was talked about with executives of Westinhouse. Ideas for modernising nuclear power plants were also talked about, and also likely campaigns regarding raising the industry safety requirements.

Ukrainian Prime Minister  Arseniy Yatsenyuk has commented in a press discussion earlier this month that Ukraine requires more inter-country trade and US financial investments. The announcement came in the wake of moves towards the privatization in the energy sector and also other projects and discussions targeted at building Ukraine's suffering financial system. The idea is not to make Ukrainian military durable and strong,' stated the Prime Minister. We must have a very good economy in Ukraine, to draw the people of Ukraine back to work, to improve wages as well as salaries and to have United States investments into the Ukraine economy'.

A meeting with representatives of  Steve Nicandros' USA oil and gas business Frontera was focused on collaboration in the prospecting and development of Ukrainian oil and gas fields along with a LNG imports project from the corporation's Georgian facility. Frontera is a multinational oil and gas exploration and production company which was founded in the year 1996. The firm's strategy is to acknowledge business opportunities and operate in emerging trading markets in Eastern Europe around the Black Sea.
A conference with a major intercontinental firm, TrailStone?, presented prospects of gas trade in Ukraine, investment in oil and gas generation, and also the operation of Ukrainian energy sector assets. TrailStone?_s CEO is David Silbert.

Businessman  Alessandro Benedetti has also weighed in on the situation, articulating the view that foreign direct investment into the Ukraine, in addition to financial boosts from the EU, will only have advantageous global outcomes in the future. 'By supplying monetary assistance to the gas storage facilities of the Ukraine, the European Union would in turn defend its very own vital gas supplies, lessen winter season price spikes for its consumers and boost the war-torn economy of Ukraine,' he explained.

The Ukrainian government already has commenced quite a few modifications thus privatising the energy and natural resources sector. China has additionally been a significant financial pillar supporting the Ukrainian economy just after the Russian annexation of Crimea. The Financial Times claimed that Ukraine is just about the leading corn exporter to China, superseding the United States. This came as a surprise, as the USA has previously had almost a monopoly on exports of corn to China. The increased role in the Ukraine for supplying food to China also stretches beyond corn. Since the year 2014 and the Russian annexation of Crimea, Ukraine has upped its agricultural trade with China by 56 percent.

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