Ticket #456 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago


Reported by: bryanaaja101 Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


I this she said a doctor or therapist this is an educated woman I who after doing the trainings and coming in getting involved in of the Mac I left me this very emotional message where she really believe that she was she was no longer in her and her calling in and that needed to  Adaraderm help of the Mac and wanted to comment and essentially stuff envelopes an answer phones and do like this low-level work within the organization and I called her back and said I are you I can see it on when I said you any I etching mind you are Amy therapist you are a doctor you have invaluable resources let us help support you in using your talents to do what you were doing in a very different and right now we're supporting her in creating a program on yoga and a her passion is related to eating disorders and band body I image issues and so we’re helping her and formulate this a curriculum to support this vision I joke with her all the time Mike what you want to come was my house and its phones doctor I self we need just X exploiting the best way to tell if you already have so come to a training that's the best way come to a five-day training we have them four times a year so you  Adaraderm can do them into work and then you can really explore sum up the shadow parts have your own to sum up your own issues related to activism in service and learn different skills by the end tithe five days usually have a very clear picture of what the next step it son and that's really what happens it's insteps that's the best way to get involved at this point or get involved in it. this %uh the save challenge or the Empowered youth initiative those are the areas that we need you we don’t need.


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