Ticket #434 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago


Reported by: Brooklynnaja101 Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


I never thought I would do it and that there's nothing did not words to describe that statistical in Kroger because it's like being set free after being JL Lake no other experience I've ever had if for could never take this for granted ever because its I sure as hell don’t want you're like this a ticket I Heidi I sat there over her shoulder as just such a powerful moment it was true awakening for sale thank you guys thank you holy giraffe Sally lost five pounds under two weeks here in Arizona a softer side to go home and the real question is will sell it continues to do what she learned in Arizona and the answers only time will tell smell like to go store okay yeah not it on the fly now exactly the same hi I good poems yes I did you okay I and Phase three now it's going to be challenging for me to get today and call and I've got a lot of work ahead of me the biggest thing is just trying to get it off and then during the day now that I'm working full time again it’s pretty intense and so I'm able to you arm paycheck speed got to stay out from all corners of my life were terms it stays is things with little to no for this for I'm right now back to full  Ageless Eye time work preparing for huge trade preferences there on right now for said your way yeah reconsider plans in this context really hard face that exist turning number of this and that but OK I don't care by the Huskies place citing so to $26.35 this is not seems I'm I mean want to cry that and so mad right now crack sign so 3.6 it won't burn not three weeks away from my big face people with different way is really getting to me because I'm still pretty far to rate from forty percent that the last time I saw Sally she was with my life inners on and I can’t wait to see her because if as long as she's been doing what she learned in Arizona she should look great home will.


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