Ticket #4128 (new task)

Opened 10 years ago

fifa 15 coin generator real or fake

Reported by: OlenFrisina532 Owned by: eskil
Priority: critical Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Plan Overview Version: 0.9.4
Severity: Should Have Keywords: fifa 15 hack tool fifa 15 coin hack fifa 15 hack android
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


'FIFA 15' dominates UK Sales Charts, PS4 dominates Xbox One - National Video Games

FIFA 15 was unsurprisingly the king in the video game sales in the UK a week ago in accordance with charts released on Monday. What was surprising in regards to the success in the FIFA 15 only agreed to be how easily it dominated those charts. It was impressive enough the soccer game was able to knock Destiny through the top in the charts, selling greater than 80 % of game software packages are eye-raising to anyone.
The idea that FIFA 15 topped the UK charts ended up being be expected, but considering it didn't hit Europe until the end with the week, on September 26, the sales were massively impressive. Not surprisingly, 54 percent of FIFA 15 sales came for the Xbox One as well as the PS4 but the leaked sales numbers came with a shock.
According to 1 report,  Videogamer.com claims insiders are saying the PS4 version with the game beat along the Xbox One iteration. The  UK newspaper Metro says the PS4 version of the sports title sold 100,000 more copies than were than purchased for the Xbox One. As Videogamer highlights, that is a rather large difference, particularly if taking into consideration the work Microsoft devote to get together with EA. The Xbox One version even had a special Ultimate Team promotion so that they can lure buyers for the console. If the report may be believed it seems like, Microsoft's way of the FIFA 15 would be a rather large failure.
EA Sports should be celebrating the huge success that was the complete launch of FIFA 15. The company has not had a problem selling the professional soccer series and quite a few in the time, the title will remain near the top with the charts well int the year after. Having said all that, to determine FIFA 15 dominate against a game title like Destiny must be rewarding, with the a higher level hype was disproportionate towards Bungie Game. With October being chock full of AAA titles, this doesn't happen seem FIFA 15 may be the king with the hill for too long however it should take advantage of the ride although it can.

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