Ticket #3932 (new enhancement)

Opened 10 years ago

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Priority: minor Milestone: Version 1.0
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Severity: Must Have Keywords: fifa 15 coin generator online fifa 15 hack android fifa 15 hack
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


Fifa08 Tactical tips. Part III ??? Kick takers and offensive mentality.

As it had been said on several occasions, FIFA08 is a superb game and a real joy for each computer-football fan. It was also mentioned that tactics can give you a significant advantage ' if used properly. This article analyzes 2 powerful offensive features - mentality and kick takers.
As it turned out said on several occasions, FIFA08 is a superb game plus a real joy for every computer-football fan. It was also mentioned that tactics continues to be given an exclusive attention with the developers and can provide (or your opponent) a life threatening advantage ' if used properly. If you have missed ' please, do read the "PART I ' offense" and "PART II ' defense" articles. If you have read them (or want to jump for the advanced tricks immediately) ' below are a few more tips that should help you in managing your player's move patterns.
The first feature that ought to be utilized will be the "kick takers". Either in pre-tournament team management screen, or during the match you need to access this option. You team has 4 kick-takers: Left and Right Corners, Free kicks and Penalties. For free kick and penalties it is prudent to choose the player with good "Power" and "Long Shot" skills. For corners '  player's preferable foot should enter in to consideration. If you prefer your corners being curved out from the goal ' pick the right-footed player for right corner. If you prefer inside curl ' go with a left-footed player to take the corner form right. Remember, accurately delivered corner is very tough for defense to handle.
Another - and intensely powerful ' feature may be the "mentality". Myself, I refer to it as actually, "positioning". If you press the Keypad 5 button you will see a circle in left bottom of your screen. Pressing it again provides a triangle pointing up. Press again ' triangle will point down.
When there is absolutely no triangle ' your team is playing "normally", according for the formation, tactics etc.

When the  triangle is pointing up ' your team comes with an "attacking" mentality. Your players will position themselves nearer to opponent's goal making offensive runs more frequently. Your midfielders in most cases play in front of the ball, - mostly on the opponent's 50 % of area of -leaving the defensive task to the defenders. The defenders will keep the queue with opponent's forwards. Playing offensively will cause quite high pressure in the opponent's half of area of, and midfield domination. However, you are likely to be exposed to counter attacks and your defenders will generally be one-on-one with the attacker they mark. Your tackling must be very skillful.
Generally, "triangle up" is definitely a great option if you are a goal down within the closing stages or if you wish to "press" the opponent all over the field for a lot of 15-20 minutes. Playing for your game with "attackinge mentality" probably will cause your opponent learning how to handle it ' launching long forward passes. And when you are inside the lead ' why take a risk? Switch to defensive mentality! ' covered inside next article.
FIFA08 Tactics - Part 1 - Offense
FIFA08 Tactics - Part 2 - Defense
FIFA08 Tactics - Part 3 - Kick-takers & Offensive Mentality
FIFA08 Tactics - Part 4 - Defensive Mentality & Man Marking

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