Ticket #3860 (new enhancement)

Opened 10 years ago

Your Dentist Wants You To Know Your Sinus Infection Could Be A Dental Problem

Reported by: TonyaPumphrey Owned by: eskil
Priority: critical Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Plan Settings Version: 0.9.7
Severity: Should Have Keywords: how to get rid of a sinus infection sinus attack sinus headache
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


When an obstruction in breathing is caused while sleeping, and thereby a vibrating sound is created, it is termed as snoring. It is not that pleasant, since it is loud. There are many people, who do not do anything about this problem, since they do not know remedies on them. This problem is not at all rare, in fact, this is very commonly found and there is nothing to feel awkward about it. Small changes in your life, make big difference. I am sure you are wondering as to how to stop snoring, but as we move further, you will definitely get your answer.

You can prevent  sinus nose problems by stopping sinus infections before they have a chance to take hold. Don't mistake your sinus infection for a cold that simply takes a long time to disappear. You might find that your condition can become far more serious and develop into the chronic form of sinusitis. Take your noses warning and make certain that you treat any sinusitis nose problems the minute you suspect it's something more than a cold. You're world will be brighter, food will taste better and you can always stop to smell the roses.

Every year the Asthma and Allergy Foundation  conducts an annual research to find the Allergy Capitals for the spring and fall seasons. The list of the worst 100 for this past fall may help prepare allergy suffers for what to expect this spring.

If you suspect you have a causes of sinus infection you should seek help from your medical professional. You should not ignore it at this stage. Your professional should be able to give you a  definite diagnosis and tell you specifically if he suspects a causes of sinus infection. He will have you get a ct scan in order to absolutely be sure of the diagnoses. If he does diagnose you with a causes of sinus infection, you will most likely get a prescription for antibiotics. This is OK if you have not had the same diagnosis and treatment three times in the past year.

You have four sets of sinus cavities. One of those, the maxillary sinuses are located in your cheeks in very close proximity to your upper teeth. In fact they are right behind and above the back of your upper teeth.

Some of the symptoms are pain in the neck or shoulders, headache, jaw stiffness, Jaw locking or just not being able to move it a lot, clicking or popping noise when opening your mouth, ear pain, dizziness or problems with your vision. The most severe symptom I had was that my upper and lower jaw didn't fit together like they used to.

Likewise drinking plenty of water makes the mouth moist and stimulating saliva production, washing away food particles that from stinky breath-causing bacteria. One should also be particular or conscious of the food you eat.

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