Ticket #3833 (new enhancement)

Opened 10 years ago

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Reported by: JoannMoroney406 Owned by: eskil
Priority: critical Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Email Export Version: 0.9
Severity: Must Have Keywords: gta 5 hack tool gta 5 money generator gta 5 cheats pc
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


Grand Theft Auto IV Hints and Tips

Provided are tips for Grand Theft Auto IV. The internet, losing your wanted level and character relationships are covered.
Grand Theft Auto IV is both similiar, yet different as well in comparison to other GTA games. It's similar because the game's story works with criminals and it's a wide open world game. However, it's different inside the sense that this wackiness of previous titles has largely been removed, because of a focus on enhanced realism. GTA IV can be you will find several different features the previous games was lacking.
Basically, if you've literally other games, you might be surprised by many of the game's differences.
Previously, relationships to characters were only explored in cutscenes and via dialog on missions. There was no other interaction using them. That's no longer the situation with GTA IV and fostering relationships while using different characters provides in-game benefits that consist of character to character.
So, so that you can foster relationships, what do you have to do?
This leads us to another new feature: activities and dates. Women may be dated and male friends might be come to clubs and local hangouts to experience games. Even cabaret shows could be visited.
It's less simple as simply ringing someone as much as go out using them though and then choosing where to go. Each character has activities they like doing and you must make sure you don't ignore their phonecalls and requests to hang out.
Eventually, your relationship rating which has a character will improve a great deal that an in-game reward will become available. This reward could possibly be similar to calling a character inside them for hours them setup an interview. When they setup a meeting, they pop the trunk of their car and then sell on you weapons.
The previous games saw you wanting to evade what the law states on their length. It's no different here with Grand Theft Auto IV. However, the way how the wanted system and police themselves work has evolved. In this game, you'll have to be sure to commit crimes faraway from policemen and hope that citizens inside the city don't have a means of contacting the authorities or simply choose not to.
This leads us to the times when you're wanted. When you're wanted, go through the radar/mini-map. A circle that flashes blue and red will likely be present. As your wanted level rises, the circle's radius are certain to get larger. Police cars can be seen for the radar also and also the circle represents the location they're trying to find you in. The goal is to find out of your circle as a way to lose them and grow from the jawhorse for a couple seconds. However, every time a cop spots you, the circle radius will probably be reset itself on the current position. It's a nice system that can cause great chases.
Also, when the cops are looking for your automobile in specific, it is possible to lose them by ditching your existing one and taking another if you are not spotted entering it by them.
Dotted around Liberty City are internet cafes. The internet is another new feature, detailed with websites to browse (though they're often spoof websites). By using the internet though, one can possibly meet characters would you normally meet. This is done via the dating website if you do familiarize yourself with these characters, they can unlock additional gameplay benefits.
So, it's recommended to dive into this aspect of the game, though rapid ejaculation not required.
You may also check your emails and respond to them at the internet cafe. It's handy for speaking to characters as well as perhaps learning much more background about them. It could be also be employed to check the latest news.
Some articles which might be of great interest:
Hints concerning how to circumvent Liberty City
GTA IV Trophy Guide

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