Ticket #3717 (new task)

Opened 10 years ago

Customize Your Special working Day With Jenlyfavor's Exciting Party Favors.

Reported by: JuliusValadez Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Plan Settings Version:
Severity: Should Have Keywords: clear favor boxes clear favor boxes clear favor boxes
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


[[iframe  https://www.youtube.com/embed/t3A8lPMV-14 height="315" width="560"]]

Take the case of candles, for instance. Candles are wonderful for wedding decorations. Votive candles, especially, not only look beautiful on tables at the reception, but make lovely favors for family members and special friends to take home. However, there is no real difference between the votive candles you buy in most wedding shops and catalogs and the ones you buy in the dollar store.

Another great place to shop for wedding decorations and favors is on Ebay. If you don't want to bother bidding, you can get excellent prices on many smaller wedding items with the "Buy It Now" option.

Whistles are next in a typical Curious George party favors pack. Who doesn't love making noise at parties with whistles? We all found it to be incredibly fun when we were kids and the current generation is no different from others. These whistles may be shaped like Curious George himself or they might take some other comical shape, but they will be effective all the same.

If you wish to bring a little sparkle and bling to the party. Then why not opt for some sparkly bridal shower favor tags. You can order them in various colors or in stickers.

A Flame Bandana makes for a perfect accessory for the birthday boy. Complete his look with some  tattoos featuring his favorite Monster Jam characters. Grave Digger, Blue Thunder... they are all here. Apply to arm or face, then wash off easily the next day.

Soap Boxes - Have some nice tin or other material for wedding FAVOR BOXES that hold a great homemade type of a bar of soap. The soap and box can even match your wedding colors.

An activity for the children at the party can be to decorate their own goody bags. After it is decorated with drawings, stickers or cut outs from magazines, they can be secretly filled while the children play and eat. Decorating picture frames is another popular party activity and the special prize will be a photo of the guest for the frame. If the equipment is available, each guest can be photographed during the party and the photo printed before the end of the party. When it's time to go home the photo can be given to put in the frame.

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