Ticket #3261 (new enhancement)

Opened 10 years ago

Why It Is Advantageous To Combine Travertine And Bluestone Together

Reported by: MelinaC0884 Owned by: eskil
Priority: critical Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Dive Settings Editor Version: 0.9.2
Severity: Must Have Keywords: Winter Garden steam cleaning travertine floors cleaning travertine grout Lake Mary travertine grinding Fairview Shores
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


Even though travertine is very durable, it can be easily stained. This is why after everything has dried you now need to seal your floor. Make sure the sealer you purchased is designed specifically for travertine tiles. Letting the sealant dry for about 48 hours will give you the best results.

The most striking feature of travertine floor tiles is that they are maintenance free. If installed correctly they can last longer that the age of your home. These tiles are free from stain, spills, scratches and moisture but you need to seal them for added protection against the moisture. Another noteworthy feature of this flooring is that it is anti-slippery and it remains anti-skid even when it is flood with soap water. It is due to this feature that these tiles are considered for bathroom floor and walls. Eminent architects and interior designers use these tiles to make bathroom waterproof and anti-slippery.

Mark the subfloor or substrate surface with a chalk line to use as a guide for laying the tiles. You do not have to mark each square, just the perimeter.

Now, let's move on to  discussing the negative things about these tiles. If you want them, you should seal them rigorously every two years so that they will continue to keep their great looks. It consumes a lot time when you have to seal these tiles. However, applying a sealer is needed so that the stains and dirt will remain on the surface and won't get into the tiles. Travertine is a sedimentary rock so it tends to have voids which can allow liquids to penetrate and stain.

A bath remodel for many men might use rich dark colors and features. Stone tile such as slate for the floor and maybe a  travertine floor maintenance in the shower area with an accent stripe of smaller slate squares. A magazine rack and maybe a built in 133 LED TV set on a swing arm. The Manbath is a place to get some solitude from his family, read a paper, watch the tube from the corner of his eye while shaving, a place that doesn't get cleaned as often as the main bath, so the  darker muted colors means a little mess shows a little less. A Manbath would also have enough storage for grooming products in an easy to reach cabinet that shows shaving and skin or hair care. A Bonsai tree on the counter and wood shutters would complete the look.

If you do not want the highly reflected shine of polished, but still want a finished looking tile, then honed would be the choice. This still has a shine to it but it is not as pronounced as the polished tile and will work well in a bathroom setting. This is the best way to get a finished tile without the reflective qualities of polished.

At the same time, he had won an all expense paid 5-day trip to San Francisco, CA as part of a sales campaign. We decided to spend $500.00 on a nice set of luggage, and extend the trip with an additional five days.

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