Ticket #3242 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

the sun is one of the things one should avoid.

Reported by: jackson Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


If a person wants to get rid of wrinkles it is wise to protect skin from direct sunlight. This is because the sun's heat makes the skin lose a lot of moisture, hence the cells become dehydrated and they contract the skin.  Pure Juvenate One should use measures to counter the effects of the suns heat, like applying suntan lotion, which creates a protective layer on the skin. An umbrella comes in handy when a person goes in the sunlight, since they can always cover themselves. Ultra violet radiation is one of the major causes of wrinkles, and this should be prevented by avoiding direct contact of the skin with the sun's rays.Drinking sufficient water is very important as it increases the water level in the body cells. This method counters wrinkles by trying to make the skin more subtle and smooth.Cigarettes are also a major cause of wrinkles, since the cigarette chemicals inhibit secretions of catalysts and enzymes that speeds up skin cell formation and nourishment. Proper skin care is also advisable.  http://www.healthsupreviews.com/is-pure-juvenate-new-scam/

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