Ticket #3121 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

In fact, can be aged between 25 and 70 people

Reported by: salazarjulie Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


* Difficulty concentrating
* Forgetting
* In the short term and long term memory loss

In fact, can be aged between 25 and 70 people lose up to 60% of mental focus and usually  Somatodrol short and
Long-term memory. This is amazing and really fear instead of numbers, but it is quite natural.

Again, according to the official website he wants to focus more on the brain and natural facts
The brain as we age, and dietary supplements, and how it will help. We will discuss how the brain begins
Unit memory loss at an early age, and this prompted not only by age but by food
Eat, and general stress. There are two ways to improve your brain power, either to reduce stress and
The brain is a special diet or taking supplements. Of course, this is when you drag on how SOMATODROL
Reply. They claim that contains all natural ingredients, and provides the fastest and safest way to add
Brain and energy. For me, this is far from impressive and more difficult to prove, but if you really

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