Ticket #2353 (new enhancement)

Opened 10 years ago

OBD Car Diagnostics and Brilliant Details

Reported by: JustineMpx Owned by: eskil
Priority: minor Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Email Export Version: 0.9.825
Severity: Should Have Keywords: mechanic tools ondemand ondemand
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


What an OBD Scanner is

To get the guess-work from detecting a vehicle appropriately, it helps to work with an OBD scanner. They are uncomplicated units which are plugged directly into a car to see the information that comes from the electric devices that each vehicle has. By reading the vehicle with one of these brilliant tools, the info about any areas that might be bad is quickly for sale in the proper execution of codes. These scanners can be purchased at most of the automotive components stores who'll often scan your vehicle for-free should younot have one oneself. They're very practical tools worth purchasing nevertheless, plus they find yourself saving money while in the longrun.

What the OBD Codes Mean

Each code offered after a vehicle is scanned is just a group of letters and numbers. Every one of them claims something regarding the vehicle. The primary notice refers to the machine where in actuality the dilemma is located, for example "P" for powertrain. The second is lots which will be often a "0" meaning it is a generic issue. Often it will claim a "1" for manufacturer-specific difficulty. Another range lets you know which part of the total system is being affected. The last two numbers tell you what the difficulty with that process is.

Which Vehicles OBD Scanners Can be Used On

About every vehicle may be scanned by an OBD tool. You will find different scanners depending on how previous your vehicle is though. Vehicles built in 1995 and earlier all have to be scanned using an OBDI tool. Models newer than 1996 and beyond, all need to be scanned by an OBDII tool. For instance  chiptuning.

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