Ticket #2275 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

Bella Fleur Skin Care

Reported by: charchajoseph Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


[Bella Fleur] skin care is a pure as well as powerful cosmetic method regarding skin color hydration as well as regarding halting the particular galling indicators involving growing old as well as anxiety. It really is making use of effectively designed as well as technically tested ingredients, devoid of the addition involving virtually any man made stuff. It is just a secure product to get rid of lines, great wrinkles and stuff like that. The growing volume of their people throughout the world can be an indicator that it strongly works.


b.jpg Download (10.4 KB) - added by charchajoseph 10 years ago.
Bella Fleur skin care is a pure as well as powerful cosmetic method regarding skin color hydration as well as regarding halting the particular galling indicators involving growing old as well as anxiety. It really is making use of effectively designed as well as technically tested ingredients, devoid of the addition involving virtually any man made stuff. It is just a secure product to get rid of lines, great wrinkles and stuff like that. The growing volume of their people throughout the world can be an indicator that it strongly works.  http://www.fitnesscafe360.com/bella-fleur-skin-care/

Change History

Changed 10 years ago by charchajoseph

Bella Fleur skin care is a pure as well as powerful cosmetic method regarding skin color hydration as well as regarding halting the particular galling indicators involving growing old as well as anxiety. It really is making use of effectively designed as well as technically tested ingredients, devoid of the addition involving virtually any man made stuff. It is just a secure product to get rid of lines, great wrinkles and stuff like that. The growing volume of their people throughout the world can be an indicator that it strongly works.  http://www.fitnesscafe360.com/bella-fleur-skin-care/

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