Ticket #2004 (new task)

Opened 10 years ago

Uncovering the Secrets Behind Backlink Crawling & Indexing

Reported by: GilbertoRabin Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Bookmarks Version:
Severity: Must Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


Many people do not understand the difference between link crawling and indexing and We can tell You that it is a huge one!

Link crawling is the discovery of Your links by the Search Engine crawlers or so called bots. So, once they discover Your link somehow and visit it to get its content that is called crawling.

Once you link has been crawled its contents are saved into the Search Engine's database and from there begins a complicated process of evaluating  e its quality. Depending on lots of factors the Search Engine can decide if Your link is quality enough to include it in its index, and that is called Indexing. Otherwise it is not included in the index and remains only crawled.

Keeping in mind all said above We can make the conclusion that link Crawling is pretty important as well, because Google has confirmed they are taking into consideration all data gathered from the web, be it indexed or not. Basically We are trying to explain You, that even if Your links do not get Indexed, they still bring benefits if they are crawled

Many people do not understand that and don't do anything about making their backlinks crawled and simply waste their time and efforts building links torwards their sites and finally don't receive any benefits.

Backlink Indexing is definitely bringing more benefits to Your site's rankings, but Backlink Crawling is pretty valuable as well!

What You need to realize is that every single link discovered and crawled by Google is actively contributing to Your main site's rankings and SERPs.

There are several techniques used by webmasters to get their backlinks discovered and indexed and everybody uses what he finds suitable and affordable for his own needs.

Most online marketers prefer to outsource this whole process to third party companies and do not worry by themselves for crawling and indexing.

These Backlink Indexing services usually combine several techniques and provide affordable and 100% automated solution. You just need to submit your links to them and they are processed automatically for You.

The important thing to remember here is that no matter how many backlinks You build to Your websites if they don't get atleast discovered by Google, then they are one big waste of time, efforts and money in most cases.

We highly advice You if You are actively backlink building, to pay attention to crawling and indexing as well and put some effort to get Your links atleast crawled!

If you have any type of concerns relating to where and ways to utilize  f, you can contact us at the website.

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