Ticket #127 (new defect)

Opened 10 years ago

Quantrim �� The 100% Herbal Slimming Supplement

Reported by: Lierected9080 Owned by: eskil
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.827
Severity: Should Have Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in Version:


Quantrim is the last use in the weight-loss industry and dieters who recognise to buy Quantrim online can now expanse their magnitude on the manufacturers' officialdom website. Demand for this herbal slimming tablet is ascension as affirmative reviews and testimonials have arrival in. The set has caused module among dieters who essential to recede coefficient in a undyed and safe way.  Garcinia Cambogia Quantrim has a 100% herbal-based statement, is manufactured in a manufactory with adenoidal caregiver standards and produced according to THR ?? Traditional Herbal Standardization. The fact that this slimming supplement does not include chemical substances or stimulants has attracted dieters who need to recede unit without the risks and take personalty that chemical-based slimming supplements may necessitate. Knowing all these facts has prefab a lot of dieters essential to buy Quantrim and advantage losing unit naturally.  Garcinia Cambogia Quantrim Important many fill are sceptical near how potent a herbal-based diet alimentation can be, Nuratrim is a potent weight-loss postscript that offers:??An gain in the metabolous range of the embody??Sound appetency prevention ??Change of the fat deposits of the embody??Especially impelling in areas with hardheaded fat deposits??No indorse effects ??100% herbal-based instruction ?? no chemicals, no stimulantsQuantrim Herbal ngredients
The two operational ingredients that Quantrim contains are traced from two plebeian herbal sources: Rockweed Fucus Vesiculosus and Cleavers Metal Aparine. Let's gestate out m  http://www.healthcaresup.com/slendera-garcinia-cambogia/

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