Ticket #1172 (new task)

Opened 10 years ago

Conquer Club, Risk Online: Turn Based Online Strategy Game

Reported by: NannieDeNeeve Owned by: eskil
Priority: critical Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Level Editor Version: 0.9.825
Severity: Should Have Keywords: free gems coc visit us free clash of clans gems no survey
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


[[iframe  https://www.youtube.com/embed/qlMWrB341-w height="315" width="560"]]

My view on the marketing campaign for browser game Evony. Evony is a browser based massive multi player online strategy game with more than 10 million players. They have grown extremely fast after their launch less than a year ago.

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When you start to lose, you slowly get out of control and before you know it, your intention to just use $300 of your total cash ended up with $3000 lost!

MotoGP 08 (PS3, Xbox 360, PS2) - The MotoGP series is probably the top motorcycle road racing series on the video game market. This time, Capcom is taking over the game for all platforms.

A 3D strategy game where the player takes on the role of a pimp and start a life of the deadly sin. Recruit pimps, hos , fight local ganstas and prevent the cops from shutting you down.

Creativity: 21. I have to admit, the Russia invades America was creative. WW III in 89', on the other hand, was not. Why stage it in 89', if you make it in a differenty century? I guess we will never no. Some stuff can get repetitive too, and it would be nice for new stuff every now and then. Maybe an expansion?? We can talk about that stuff later though. Overall, Creativity is great, but not exceptional. A tad bit more creative could have earned a 25, but there is nothing to do about it now.

A vibrant community of car enthusiasts is at your fingertips. Chat and make friends, spectate on live races, form loyal teams, and smack talk your rivals!

6) Last tip is to make sure that you don't save necessary money that is not necessary. This is a common mistake that new gamers make. There is no point in saving so much money in the game and lose in the end and to prove nothing. But if you are going to build massive or very grand, then just do it. Strike a good balance point between having some savings for defense when needed. You will have to learn this in regards to each specific game.

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