Ticket #1153 (new task)

Opened 10 years ago

Staying Active At Work

Reported by: Columbus22D Owned by: eskil
Priority: critical Milestone: Version 1.0
Component: Unknown/Unsure Version: 0.9.826
Severity: Should Have Keywords: healthy office furniture weight loss supplements and diet test results from human guinea pig buy office
Cc: Fixed in Version: 0.9.827


A Coffee machine: Nothing recharges the mind and body of an entrepreneur better than a cup of freshly brewed coffee. By presenting a coffee maker, you make their long hours somewhat comfortable.

Who says you have to sit in the cafeteria, and eat high-calorie food at lunchtime? Bring a protein bar to work and munch on it while you take a brisk walk outdoors. An outdoor walk helps to lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone that can add inches to your waistline and increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Instead of feeling sleepy because you ate too much, you'll feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle the remaining challenges of the day.

Read this book. The How To's are very straight forward and easy to do. One thing I recommend for all the people who work out of their house and have a treadmill, set up a  treadmill desktop and work from there. If you work 8 hours per day then work for 2 hours on the treadmill at a slow walking pace. This will increase circulation, reduce inflammation and increase oxygen to the body.

How can a simple peek at your body's proteins tell you more about the state of your health this instant than a readout of your genetic code? Proteins are how cells talk to each other. What keeps cancer under control is the conversation between cells through proteins. The growing field of Proteomics is the study of proteins.

When it comes to choosing desks and chairs one of the main concerns is height. Humans come in different sizes so ideally you want chairs that are adjustable.

After thinking for a long time about what I wanted, I decided that I wanted a desk that attached to the wall, and that I not only liked corner desks, but those with built-in shelving appealed to me best. So, I decided that that setup would suit my needs just right. I assembled the tools and materials I needed and got started. Here's the gist of what I did.

Stand and be counted! You always burn more calories standing than sitting. Stand while talking on the phone. Better yet, try a  http://notsitting.com,or improvise with a high table or counter. Eat lunch standing up. Trade instant messaging and phone calls for walks to other desks or offices. Take it up a notch by doing calf raises while standing and build stronger leg muscles. It all counts. To beat boredom on long conference calls keep resistance bands or small hand weights in your desk. Use them for arm curls and other resistance exercises while engaged in hands-free listening tasks.

Perhaps the most popular distraction is music. Many treadmills have sound systems that are iPod-compatible so you can just plug in your favorites and listen while you work out. However, any sound system in the room will do. There is something about music that brings out our  physical movements and louder is probably better!

People who have to sit 8 hours on their desk have less chances of losing fats and calories in their bodies as compared to the people who stand. Changeable desks can be beneficial for all those people who want to avoid health danger and want to burn the calories in their bodies at the same time. During a course of job duration a person burns round about 1000 calories who sits all day long. A standing person can burn more calories per day as compared to the person sitting all day long.

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