[Baltic Deco Planner - Dive Planning for the iPhone/iPod Touch] Topic #1 - Help - start here
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Trac 0.11.7 - DiscussionPlugineskilSun, 25 Jan 2009 22:58:44 GMTTopic #1 - Help - start here
<h2 id="HelpfortheQAforum">Help for the Q&A forum</h2>
As the site still brand new, there's nothing posted yet. If you have a question, feel free to post a topic in the <a href="/discussion/forum/2" title="Q&A">Q&A Forum</a>. I'll answer it as well as I can, and possibly move the answer into the <a class="wiki" href="/wiki/BalticFaq">BalticFaq</a> page if it seems like it would make sense.
TopickitgiaasiuyaeWed, 22 Jul 2015 01:00:24 GMTReply #41 to topic #1 - Help - start here
This is precisely the sort of adjusted lift in mental execution that a strong nootropic stack should give. While there are more grounded nootropics out there, I can prescribe the <a class="missing wiki">NeuroFuse?</a> stack to anybody searching for a prologue to cerebrum hacking supplements. As far as I can tell, it is suitable for ordinary utilization and maximal results will be accomplished when taking two dosages at a young hour in the morning took after by a third single pill after lunch. Try not to utilize it after 4 or 5 PM in the event that you expect to go to bed before midnight as the caffeine will keep you up later that you may mean.
<strong><a class="ext-link" href="http://www.circlehealthclub.com/neurofuse-review/"><span class="icon"> </span>http://www.circlehealthclub.com/neurofuse-review/</a>
<a class="ext-link" href="http://page2rss.com/3620440ebc0de294ee65864cba7e33ab"><span class="icon"> </span>http://page2rss.com/3620440ebc0de294ee65864cba7e33ab</a>
<a class="ext-link" href="https://www.facebook.com/1618412641768453/photos/a.1618428225100228.1073741828.1618412641768453/1633802573562793/?type=1&theater"><span class="icon"> </span>https://www.facebook.com/1618412641768453/photos/a.1618428225100228.1073741828.1618412641768453/1633802573562793/?type=1&theater</a>
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MessageeskilSun, 16 Oct 2011 20:23:30 GMTReply #30 to topic #1 - Help - start here
The icons are mostly just a visual bling ;
<ul><li>gray tanks are trimix
</li><li>yellow are air
</li><li>gray with nitrox band are nitrox
</li><li>green are oxygen
It then switches from single to double tanks if the needed volume exceeds 2800L (roughly 100cuft).
Messageljjljj64Wed, 12 Oct 2011 07:31:19 GMTReply #29 to topic #1 - Help - start here
When you show the gas each tank has a differnt color what does the color relate to in tank size